This entry is part 1 of 44 in the series Topical Authority

This post is the lead post in a series on the topic of topical authority. What it is, why it matters, how you establish it, and how you grow it.

Each of the section titles below takes you to a sub post devoted to that topic (or sub-topic) and these posts are linked together into a topic cluster.

The purpose of this structure is to allow you to absorb the information one bit at a time, and to easily proceed to the next, or to review the previous, section.

Overview of what the guide will cover

Topical authority is sometimes referred to as “depth of expertise,” and has become an important concept in the always changing never static dynamics of search engine optimization (SEO).

Unlike the more traditional focus on link building, topical authority is obtained by consistent creation of original, high-quality, and comprehensive content covering a topic in great detail.

Having said that, there IS a relationship between topical authority and link building, or more correctly, link earning, in order to earn links, you must first produce link worthy content.

In the realm of SEO, authority has been thought of as being related to the acquisition of backlinks. This led to proactive link building being a thing people did, and a thing people outsourced to link building agencies.

However, this type of link building has gotten harder, as webmasters all over the Internet are now somewhat inundated with backlink request pitches.

It’s not the case that this more traditional approach of link building became less effective over time, but it definitely became much harder to do it effectively.

This has led to a very appropriate focus on establishing authority through better, actual link worthy content, and the creation of “topic clusters” on websites, which is nothing more than a series of posts or articles that covers some topic in great depth.

When you successfully demonstrate topical authority through publishing in depth quality content, it not only strengthens your site ranking for existing keywords, but increases the range of keywords your site ranks for.

And while this approach also takes work, it builds a very strong base on which you EARN links as compared to build links.

And anyone who puts in the effort to learn a topic in depth, then explain those ideas through content, can do this.

This guide goes into great detail about how YOU obtain and build authority for your topics.

While Google Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller says, “you’ve got to be awesome” to establish topical authority, that’s not strictly true, as you can see in some search results. However, you’ve got to be thorough.

Using this series of posts as your guide, you will learn what topical authority is, why it matters, how you obtain it, and how you grow it.


What is Topical Authority?

Building Topical Authority

Differentiating Topical Authority from Domain Authority

Leveraging Topical Authority for SEO Success

Case Studies


Further reading

Series NavigationWhy is topical authority important for SEO? >>

Kevin Carney
Kevin Carney

Kevin "fell into" SEO by accident, like many others. The SaaS platform to help writers boost their topical authority came years later after various SEOs said it was something they would like to see.

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