starting with why, business success

Simon Sinek Has a Point

Understanding why organizations do what they do creates a much clearer (sometimes crystal clear) understanding of what should be done and how it should be done.

Simon Sinek calls the Starting with Why.

Mr. Sinek uses the example of Apple Computer in a famous TED Talk. Everyone at Apple knows their why is to bring out the coolest products.

I use the example of Walmart. Equally clear every one knows their why is to bring “it” to you at the lowest price possible.

This aligns people both inside and outside of the organization. When everyone understands the mission, people figure out how to get it done.


“How” is More Important Than “Start with Why”

Sean D’Souza is a breath of fresh air in the very crowded online marketing industry. I’ve read several articles on his website that make very valid points, even though some of them seem to contradict conventional wisdom.

And the most current one to create that feeling is me is titled “Do We Really Need To Start With Why?“.

Please read his article by clicking the link in the previous sentence, but a very brief summary is….

In Western culture we have a strong desire to understand why. And this makes sense to me, but then again I’m from the West so maybe it can’t NOT make sense to me.

In the East (Asia) there is a centuries old focus on doing things well. To illustrate this point Sean uses the “wax on, wax off” bit from The Karate Kid, and when I wish to illustrate this point I quote Bruce Lee “Long term consistency trumps short term intensity”.

With Inbound Marketing (which link building helps with A LOT) what gets results is consistency and persistence. The rest although important details are truly just (but again important) details.

So Why shows you the way, and How gets you there.

Building topically relevant links is hard. We make it easy.

Kevin Carney
Kevin Carney

Kevin "fell into" SEO by accident, like many others. The SaaS platform to help writers boost their topical authority came years later after various SEOs said it was something they would like to see.

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