Repurposing content has two main benefits: different people learn better in different formats, and different content on the same topic helps with SEO.

What Repurposing Is

Repurposing content is conveying the same topic, point, or answer in various formats. Examples of different forms are:

  • Blog posts
  • Videos
  • Slideshare decks
  • Email messages
  • Infographic
  • eBooks
  • Success Stories

An article I found recently goes a bit overboard (in my opinion) by suggesting you can re-purpose content at least 10 different ways, but that’s a bit overboard to me.

What Repurposing Isn’t

Re-purposing content is not publishing the same words in many places on the Internet.

It is conveying the same information but in different ways.

There Are 2 (Main) Reason’s Repurposing Content is Important

The first one is you create more opportunities for the idea behind the content to be found and ranked by search engines.

A very good example of this is publishing a blog post to your website, then shooting a video on the same topic, the creating a transcription of the video, then creating another blog post into which you embed both the video and the transcription.

When the words used in the original blog post and the video transcription are different, you have not duplicated the content, but you have made it available in 3 different pieces of content to the two main search engines (Google and YouTube), as well as a few others (Yahoo and Bing).

The second is that different people learn better in different ways.

Some of us like words (I’m one of them) and prefer to read over watching a video. Some of us like video and prefer to see someone talk or present over reading a blog post.

Using the example above of the blog post and the video, if you really want to cover extra ground, strip out the audio of the video and publish it as a podcast.

To attract more visitors to your website, you need to learn about link building.

We help writers build topical authority

Kevin Carney
Kevin Carney

Kevin "fell into" SEO by accident, like many others. The SaaS platform to help writers boost their topical authority came years later after various SEOs said it was something they would like to see.

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